
Titre de l’intervention

« Rationales and effects of stakeholder involvement in river management »


In the last deca­des, in many parts of Europe invol­ving local sta­ke­hol­ders or the local public in river mana­ge­ment has become a stan­dard pro­ce­dure. The expli­cit pur­pose as well as the under­lying ratio­nale for this prac­tice, howe­ver, dif­fers consi­de­ra­bly among the pro­jects, and these are reflec­ted in a high diver­sity of forms of invol­ve­ment. For many deci­sion makers, the pur­pose of invol­ving other inte­rest groups is limi­ted to achie­ving a suf­fi­cient local accep­tance of the pro­ject, and accor­din­gly they adopt mini­mal forms of invol­ve­ment. Theoretical lite­ra­ture and first empi­ri­cal stu­dies, howe­ver, sug­gest that sta­ke­hol­der invol­ve­ment can have, if done in appro­priate qua­lity, have much more far-rea­ching bene­fits for a sus­tai­na­ble river mana­ge­ment such as a better consen­sus, social lear­ning and social capi­tal buil­ding. But there is so far only little relia­ble evi­dence that and under which condi­tions such bene­fits in fact result from invol­ve­ment pro­ces­ses. The reason for this is that such invol­ve­ment pro­ces­ses repre­sent very com­plex social inter­ven­tions, and all “affor­da­ble” mea­su­re­ment methods have their weak­nes­ses. I will pre­sent the pro­ce­dure and results of three eva­lua­tion stu­dies based on dif­fe­rent eva­lua­tion methods. I will conclude by dis­cus­sing the limi­ta­tions of these methods and pos­si­ble ways to over­come them.